Friday, March 30, 2012

Squatter's Fifth Element 2012 tasting

This is from Squatter's Reserve Series; it took Gold at the 2011 GABF in the Lambic/Sour category.  It definitely falls under the "funky saison" heading.  I picked up the bottle from the downtown SLC brewpub earlier this week.

Date - 29 March 2012

Venue - My house


Appearance - Yellow-gold with lots of small bubbles that cling to the sides of the goblet.  The big pillowy foam hangs around for several minutes, but doesn't leave as much lacing as I thought it might.

Aroma - Tart lemon, spicy, a little barnyard, a touch of soapiness.  Very intense in its lightness.

Taste - Immediate funk, oak, and mellow citrus.  The sour/tart sensation has a light touch, but lingers in the aftertaste.  No alcohol burn detected.

Mouthfeel - Just a bit heavier than truly light, with effervescent carbonation; very lifting and spritzy.

Overall - This is way too refreshing for an 8% beer!  It's light, characterful, and drinks much easier than its ABV suggests; while it goes down easily, though, its effect isn't slow in arriving.  The funk and sourness are main players, but aren't overdone.  Definitely worth repeated sampling!

- Br. Absalom

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