Friday, May 25, 2012

New Glarus Unplugged Old English Porter tasting

Finished up a long, somewhat excruciating brewday a little while ago.  Back to tasting notes!  Here's the second in the series of two-year-old New Glarus limited releases opened last weekend; this time it's the Old English Porter.

Date - 19 May 2012

Venue - My house


Appearance - Clear, tawny brown body with orange highlights.  The thin tan head drops quickly but leaves some lacing down most of the glass.

Smell - Oak is prominent, followed by faint vanilla.  Acidity starts out faint, but comes out more as it warms.

Taste -Moderate acidity (not too citric and biting) washes over the palate; oak emerges after that along with vanilla undertones.  Roast is distant, far from prevalent.  Finishes clean.

Mouthfeel - Low-medium carbonation complementing a light body.  Very brown porter-ish of it.

Overall - This isn't a crazy big imperial/Baltic porter, but the acidity makes this low-gravity beer a sipper on par with something much more alcoholic.  It's an interesting take on the historical "vatted" porter style that makes me want to try more aged/soured small beers.

- Br. Absalom

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