Saturday, May 11, 2013

PNW tastings, part 2

This, unexpectedly, is the wrap-up of this tasting series. I'd originally planned to break it into three installments, but hey, things happen. After part 1, using the picture box (which keeps falling apart) for photos went by the wayside. And I'll admit that the final two bottles we brought back from our trip were consumed with friends this past weekend. Here's the rundown on those: the bottled version of Green Flash's Imperial IPA lived up to my recollections from having it on draft some time ago, and Russian River's Supplication is, well, a hell of a fruity sour beer that I'll seek out again as soon as possible. Hope you enjoy the remaining five reviews.

Gigantic Brewing Company/3 Floyds
Axes of Evil

Date: 12 April 2013

Venue: My house


Appearance - Brilliant yellow-gold; massive foamy head that hangs out for most of the drink.

Smell - Super bright citrus; not huge, but slightly soapy.

Taste - Starts orange, followed by sharp pine resin. Orange and lemon sits on the back of the tongue. A little peach, pineapple, and soapiness in the finish.

Mouthfeel - Surprisingly light body and well carbonated; it works out well.

Overall - Fresh, big-ass DIPA; the alcohol doesn't take long to take effect, but it's not noticeable in the taste. Almost too light in the body, but lots of fruitiness, which I much prefer to a pure bitter bomb. Not having looked into this beer much, my guess is the soapiness is from one or more Citra additions, which can give that impression. I wouldn't turn down another of these, though. Excellent collaboration, folks.

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Double Mountain Brewery
Hop Lava Northwest IPA

Date: 13 April 2013

Venue: My house


Appearance - Deep orange, a little hazy.  Rocky foam head.

Smell - Some tropical fruit (pineapple), citrus, a bit of malt.

Taste - Dominant grapefruit rind bitterness early with a long tail.  Some orange and malt in the middle.

Mouthfeel - Light body with prickly carbonation makes this very easy drinking.

Overall - Bitterness is the dominant feature in this beer, but it's still pretty enjoyable.  One per sitting is enough for me, though, especially in the 500 ml bottle.

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Russian River Brewing Company
Pliny the Elder

Date: 14 April 2013

Venue: My house


Appearance - Clear, deep burnished orange.  Sticky, orange-yellow tinged head leaves a bit of lacing down the glass.  Exquisite.

Smell - Pours out orange rind and pine; dank.

Taste - Solid wall of dank that resolves to long, evenly fading tail of firm bitterness.  A little malt, dominated by resin and a bit of grapefruit.  It actually numbs the tongue a bit; really packs a wallop!  More luxurious malt presence upon warming a little; firm bitterness at the end.

Mouthfeel - Not heavy at all; firm carbonation contributes to its tongue-numbing quality and gets it moving over the palate.

Overall - The classic double IPA for a reason.  This is a magnificent beer.  The hops are utterly dominant, but despite the slight numbing quality, it doesn't punish with bitterness.  It's worth getting back to California just for more of this.

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Eel River Brewing
Triple Exultation Certified Organic Old Ale

Date: 17 April 2013

Venue: My house


Appearance - Clear, red-brown hue with orange-red highlights.  Fluffy red-orange tinged head.

Smell - Malt, malt, and more malt.  A little alcohol.

Taste - A little bread, but a ton of straight-up malt.  It's dry enough, though, to avoid being cloyingly sweet.  It's really not sweet at all, just malty.  This is balanced with a clean, firm bitterness that doesn't overpower; it does linger at the very back of the tongue for quite a while, but it only makes itself known when swallowing.

Mouthfeel - Only medium, not really as heavy as the style can run.  Carbonation may be a bit high.

Overall - I'm very happy with this beer.  I tend to avoid old ales because I liken them to barleywines, which are usually heavier than I want to drink regularly.  Triple Exultation reminds me that there's a difference between them; this is much more attenuated than most barleywines I've had, which is very welcome.  A great beer for a cool spring evening.

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Joseph James Brewing Co.
Red Fox Russian Imperial Stout

Date: 26 April 2013

Venue: My house


Appearance - Deep, dark black with red and brown undertones.  Thick, luscious mocha head that drops back, leaving a marshmallow-like layer.

Smell - Candied fruit, dark chocolate, a little herbal hop.

Taste - Excellent balance of sweet malt and hop bitterness; moderate roast follows, with alcohol in the middle.

Mouthfeel - Nice and thick, smooth carbonation.

Overall - Pretty tasty.  The bitterness and alcohol can get sharp and heavy on the back of the tongue as it warms, however.

- Br. Absalom