Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sixpoint 3BEANS Tasting

While there are other posts still in the works, this seemed an opportune moment to get down some midsummer tasting notes.  Looking for a special beverage to share with my father, Abt. Absalom, to mark the U.S. Day of Independence, I came across 3BEANS in a local bottle shop.  Having learned of this beer some time ago via one of the coolest beer promos I've seen, I was already primed to like it; my father and I both enjoy dark beers, further making it a good choice.  Its small serving size (delivered in such a cute little can) also meant that its 10% ABV wouldn't destroy us on a day that would include the consumption of several other fermented concoctions.  Though a stout, especially a big one like this, is not the first thing I seek out on a hot summer day, it went down easily relaxing in an air-conditioned homestead.

Speaking of posts in the works, coming soon will be the unveiling of the Abbot's impressive brewery works.

Sixpoint Brewery

 Date: 4 July 2013

Venue: Turned Timber Abbey (my parents' house)


Appearance - Deep, dark brown, not quite black.  Nice red-brown highlights at the edges of the glass.

Smell - Restrained coffee, a little chocolate.

Taste - Similarly restrained coffee, some alcohol.  A bit of cocoa in the finish.  The coffee is the "signature" flavour without taking over the drinking experience; well done!

Mouthfeel - Smooth and a bit creamy, but doesn't overstay its welcome; finishes dry and clean.

Overall - Very nice; one of the best coffee beers I've had, bearing in mind that I don't like to be clubbed over the head with coffee when it's a component.  The alcohol is present but isn't hot or overbearing despite its ABV.  This won't become an everyday beer, but it's well made, intriguing, and great for special occasions.

- Br. Absalom

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