Thursday, August 2, 2012

#IPADay Cometh

If you hadn't heard already--and I'm sure nearly all of my fellow beer geeks out there have--today, 2 August 2012, is the second annual IPA Day.  While it's meant bring focus and increase excitement to the general craft beer movement, IPAs are specifically chosen for celebration because of their iconic status in the craft community.  There are a whole lot of great posts out today bringing focus to the various and sundry aspects of the "humble" India pale ale; for my part, just off the road yesterday after six weeks away from home, I can muster the strength to offer up a couple homebrew recipes from my archives--one extract and one all-grain--that have been among my favourites.  Here's to all of us taking a moment to enjoy a nicely hoppy beer today!


Hop-On Ale (extract)

I first brewed this as my third-ever batch four years ago while living in Hawai`i.  It turned out so well I did a rebrew when I moved to Chicago and split the batch to experiment with different yeast characters.  Unfortunately, two of the splits picked up acetobacter infections; the last bottle of the third split, cracked open with the now-Mrs. Absalom and my father after several months of aging, was downright glorious.

Batch size: 6 gallons
Projected OG: 1.068
Projected SRM: 7.2
Projected IBU:61.0
Boil time: 60 minutes

7 lb Extra Light DME (added at 15 min)
3.3 lb Wheat LME
10 oz Munich
10 oz Crystal 10

2 oz Cascade (6.3%) (60 min)
1 oz Cascade (20 min)
1 oz Cascade (5 min)
1 oz Cascade (dry hop)

WY1056 American Ale

Furious-ish Clone (AG)

Having sampled (and loved) MN-born Surly Brewing Co's aggressive flagship IPA, I went hunting for mystical internet speculation to help me formulate this recipe (for the record, this was before Northern Brewer came out with their Pro Series kits).  Looking at it now, there's a HELL of a lot of crystal malt, but it seemed to balance pretty well.  While I ended up kind of turned off to Simcoe hops for a while after a fellow homebrewer described their dank flavour as tasting of "sweat and piss", this was a great beer.  Why the heck haven't I brewed this again?

Batch size: 5 gallons
Projected OG: 1.072
Projected SRM: 13.2
Projected IBU: 68.5
Boil time: 60 minutes
Brewhouse efficiency: 65%

71.4% - 10 lb Maris Otter
14.4% - 2 lb Crystal 40
7.1% - 1 lb Carapils
7.1% - 1 lb Light brown sugar (10 min)

.5 oz        Columbus (14.4%) (60 min)
.5 oz        Millennium (17.1%) (60 min)
.2 oz        Amarillo (8%) (20 min)
.2 oz        Simcoe (12.9 %) (20 min)
.2 oz        Amarillo (15 min)
.2 oz        Simcoe (15 min)
.2 oz        Amarillo (10 min)
.2 oz        Simcoe (10 min)
.2 oz        Amarillo (5 min)
.2 oz        Simcoe (5 min)
.2 oz        Amarillo (0 min)
.2 oz        Simcoe (0 min)
1 oz        Amarillo (dry hop)
1 oz        Simcoe (dry hop)

1.5 pkgs US-05

- Br. Absalom

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